How to Prepare for Your Facelift in Cancun: Tips and Guidelines

Preparing for Surgery

Preparing for a facelift is crucial for ensuring a smooth procedure and optimal results. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with essential tips and guidelines to help you get ready for your facelift in Cancún. 

Pre-Surgery Consultation

Your journey begins with a consultation with Dr. Rafael Velasco Marín. During this meeting, Dr. Marín will assess your facial structure, discuss your goals, and create a personalized treatment plan. This is the time to ask any questions and express any concerns you might have about the procedure.

Medical Evaluation

Dr. Marín will conduct a thorough medical evaluation to ensure you are in good health for surgery. This may include blood tests and a review of your medical history. It’s important to disclose any medications you are taking and any underlying health conditions.

Lifestyle Adjustments

  • Stop Smoking: Smoking can interfere with the healing process and increase the risk of complications. It’s recommended to quit smoking at least six weeks before and after the surgery.
  • Avoid Certain Medications: Some medications and supplements can increase the risk of bleeding. Dr. Marín will provide you with a list of medications to avoid before your surgery.
  • Healthy Diet and Hydration: Maintain a healthy diet and stay hydrated in the weeks leading up to your surgery. Proper nutrition can aid in the healing process.

Skincare Routine

Dr. Marín may recommend a specific skincare routine to prepare your skin for surgery. This could include the use of certain cleansers, moisturizers, and other products to ensure your skin is in optimal condition.

Arrangements for Recovery

  • Post-Surgery Care: Plan for someone to drive you home and assist you for the first few days after surgery. Arrange for time off work and any necessary help with daily activities.
  • Comfortable Recovery Space: Prepare a comfortable recovery space at home with necessary supplies, such as pillows, ice packs, and easy-to-eat foods.


Proper preparation is key to a successful facelift. By following these guidelines and working closely with Dr. Rafael Velasco Marín, you can ensure a smooth and successful experience. For more detailed information about the facelift procedure, visit our comprehensive guide on facelifts in Cancún here.

How to choose a plastic surgeon?

How to Choose a Plastic Surgeon
Introduction to Choosing the Right Plastic Surgeon

Choosing the right plastic surgeon is a pivotal decision that significantly affects your safety and the success of your cosmetic or reconstructive surgery. This article explores essential criteria and steps to select the best plastic surgeon, with a focus on ensuring high standards and optimal outcomes.

Why Choosing the Right Surgeon is Crucial

The outcome of plastic surgery not only influences your physical appearance but also has a profound impact on your confidence and psychological health. Selecting a surgeon who is competent, experienced, and reputable ensures that you are in safe hands.

Factors to Consider Before You Start Looking

Before embarking on your search for the perfect plastic surgeon, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what you hope to achieve through surgery. This clarity will guide you in choosing a surgeon whose expertise aligns with your aesthetic goals.

Credentials to Look For in a Plastic Surgeon

Board Certification and What It Means

Ensure that the surgeon you are considering is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery or equivalent in your country. This certification is a testament to the surgeon’s extensive training and competency in plastic surgery.

Hospital Privileges and Their Importance

Surgeons with hospital privileges have been vetted by hospitals, which assess their training and competency. This is an additional layer of reassurance that the surgeon meets the high standards required in a hospital setting.

Experience and Specialization

Look for a surgeon who specializes in the procedure you want. Their experience in specific procedures means a higher likelihood of excellent results.

Researching Potential Surgeons

How to Research a Plastic Surgeon

Start your research online but go beyond the surgeon’s own website. Look at independent review sites, forums, and read both positive and negative reviews to get a balanced view.

The Role of Testimonials and Reviews

Patient testimonials and reviews can provide insight into a surgeon’s skill, bedside manner, and the quality of their results. Pay attention to comments about post-operative care and the handling of any complications.

Consulting the State Medical Board

Verify the surgeon’s credentials and any disciplinary actions by consulting the state medical board’s website.

Consulting with the Surgeon

What to Ask During Your Consultation

Prepare a list of questions to ask during your consultation, including queries about the surgeon’s experience with your desired procedure, the risks involved, and the expected recovery process.

Understanding the Surgeon’s Aesthetic Sense

Discuss previous cases and ask for before-and-after pictures to determine if the surgeon’s aesthetic sense aligns with your desires.

Assessing Communication and Comfort Level

The consultation is also your opportunity to assess whether you feel comfortable with the surgeon’s style of communication and their approach to patient care.

Making the Final Decision

Evaluating the Consultation Experience

Reflect on the consultation experience to decide if you felt heard, understood, and comfortable with the surgeon.

Weighing Pros and Cons

After consulting with multiple surgeons, weigh the pros and cons of each to make an informed decision.


Choosing the right plastic surgeon involves careful research, thorough vetting of qualifications, and a personal connection. By following these steps, you can ensure that you choose a surgeon who is best suited to meet your needs and expectations.


How important is board certification in choosing a plastic surgeon?
What should I look for in before-and-after photos?
How do I verify a surgeon’s qualifications and disciplinary history?
What questions are crucial to ask during a consultation?
How do I decide between multiple qualified surgeons?

Doing a plastic surgery abroad?

Doing Plastic Surgery Abroad?

Introduction to Plastic Surgery Abroad
Plastic surgery abroad has become a popular option for those seeking quality medical procedures at a more affordable cost. With advances in global healthcare standards, traveling for plastic surgery is now safer and more reliable than ever.

Why Consider Going Abroad?
Many choose to undergo plastic surgery overseas due to significantly lower costs and shorter waiting times. Additionally, some countries are renowned for their specialized medical expertise in certain cosmetic procedures.

Popular Destinations for Plastic Surgery
Countries like Brazil, South Korea, and Thailand are known for their high standards in cosmetic surgery, attracting patients from all over the world.

Evaluating Safety and Quality
When considering plastic surgery abroad, it’s crucial to research and ensure that the facilities meet international health standards.

Accreditation and Credentials
Look for clinics and hospitals that are internationally accredited, such as those certified by the Joint Commission International (JCI).

Understanding Health Standards Abroad
Ensure that the medical staff are highly qualified and that the clinic maintains rigorous hygiene practices.

Dr. Rafael Velasco Marín
A renowned figure in the field of cosmetic surgery, Dr. Marín is recognized for his expertise and innovative techniques in plastic surgery.

His Background and Expertise
Dr. Marín has years of experience and has received extensive training in both local and international institutions.

What Sets Him Apart?
His approach to patient care and his use of state-of-the-art technology set him apart from other practitioners in the field.

Preparing for Surgery Abroad
It’s important to thoroughly plan your trip and medical procedure to ensure everything goes smoothly.

What to Plan for Before You Leave
From medical visas to accommodation, make sure all aspects of your trip are carefully planned.

What to Expect During Your Stay
Understanding the procedure, recovery times, and what kind of post-operative care will be available is crucial.

Follow-up and Post-operative Care
Post-surgery follow-up is vital for a successful recovery, even once you return home.

Costs and Financing
One of the biggest advantages of undergoing surgery abroad can be the cost savings.

Comparison of Costs by Country
The cost of plastic surgery can vary significantly from country to country.

Handling Unexpected Expenses
Always be prepared for potential unexpected costs such as extended stays due to complications.

Patient Stories and Testimonials
Reading about other patients’ experiences can provide valuable insight into what to expect.

Success Stories
Many patients find great success and satisfaction with their procedures done abroad.

Considerations and Warnings from Patients
It’s important to consider both the positives and the potential risks as shared by previous patients.

Traveling abroad for plastic surgery can be a beneficial option, but requires careful planning and consideration.

5 Unique FAQs After the Conclusion

What are the most important factors to consider when choosing a doctor abroad?
How do I handle communication if I don’t speak the local language?
What are the risks associated with having surgery in another country?
How can I verify the credentials of a foreign plastic surgeon?
What should I do if I experience complications after returning home?

Getting That Pre-Baby Body Back

Getting That Pre-Baby Body Back: Dr. Rafel Velasco Marín’s Guide
Getting back to your pre-baby body is a journey that requires patience, dedication, and the right guidance. Dr. Rafel Velasco Marín, a renowned expert in postpartum fitness, emphasizes the importance of setting realistic goals and understanding the changes your body has undergone. This article explores effective strategies to regain your fitness and health post-pregnancy.

Understanding Your Body Post-Pregnancy
Postpartum bodies are different, and understanding these changes is crucial for a healthy recovery. Physically, women may experience weakened pelvic muscles, hormonal imbalances, and weight gain. Psychologically, new mothers may face challenges such as postpartum depression or anxiety, highlighting the need for a holistic approach to recovery.

Key Components to Regaining Your Pre-Baby Body
Dr. Velasco identifies four key areas to focus on: nutrition, exercise, rest, and mental health. Each plays a vital role in the recovery process, influencing not only physical health but also emotional well-being.

Nutrition for Postpartum Recovery
Nutrition is foundational for recovery. A balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins supports tissue repair and overall health. Dr. Velasco recommends incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, and advises against processed foods and excessive sugars.

Exercise After Pregnancy
Exercise is essential but should be resumed cautiously. Dr. Velasco suggests starting with light activities such as walking or pelvic exercises and gradually increasing intensity based on comfort and recovery. The key is to listen to your body and avoid rushing the process.

The Role of Rest and Mental Health
Adequate rest and mental health are critical. Sleep restores physical and mental health, and managing stress through techniques like mindfulness or yoga can significantly benefit recovery. Establishing a support network can also provide emotional support and practical help.

Case Studies and Success Stories
Success stories from Dr. Velasco’s clients serve as motivational testimonials. These narratives not only show the effectiveness of his methods but also help in setting realistic expectations for other new mothers.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them
Recovery is not without its challenges. Setbacks are normal, but with motivation and the right strategies, they can be overcome. Dr. Velasco advises setting small, achievable goals and celebrating each milestone towards recovery.

Resources for New Mothers
There are numerous resources available for new mothers, from books and websites to local support groups and fitness classes specifically designed for postpartum women.

Regaining your pre-baby body is a personal journey that varies for each individual. With Dr. Velasco’s guidance, the right approach, and support, it is achievable. Remember to approach this process with patience and kindness towards yourself.

FAQ Section

What is the safest time to start exercising after giving birth?
It is generally safe to start mild exercises like walking soon after delivery, but always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any physical routine.
How important is diet in getting back to your pre-baby body?
Extremely important. A nutritious diet fuels your recovery and helps balance hormones, supporting overall health and weight management.
Are there any exercises I should avoid?
Avoid high-impact exercises and heavy lifting initially. Focus on building core strength and stability before progressing to more intense workouts.
How can I manage my time effectively for fitness with a new baby?
Prioritize short, flexible workouts that can be integrated during the baby’s sleep times or while they are content. Consider home workouts or walking with the stroller.
Can mental health affect physical recovery?
Yes, mental health significantly impacts physical recovery. Stress can slow recovery, so managing mental health through support and self-care practices is crucial.